Friday, March 25, 2016

How Low Should You Hang a Ceiling Fan?

Ceiling fans require a minimum clearance from both the floor and ceiling for safe, effective performance.
Ceiling fans require a minimum clearance from both the floor and ceiling for safe, effective performance.
Ceiling fans work on the same principle as the wind chill factor: A stiff breeze on a chilly day makes it feel colder to anyone standing out in it than the temperature displayed on the thermometer would otherwise indicate . A ceiling fan circulating air down from the ceiling can make rooms feel as much as four degrees cooler than the actual room temperature. Adequate downward airflow is the key to this effect. One of the factors influencing ceiling fan airflow is the distance of the fan from the ceiling above and the floor below. The vertical placement of the fan can also have potential safety consequences for taller occupants in a home with low ceilings. With most ceiling fans, the situation of the unit is determined by the length of the downbar that suspends the fan motor assembly from the ceiling.

Seasonal Rotation

Ceiling fans circulate air at low speed and high volume. The large paddle blades angled at a pitch between 10 and 16 degrees rotate slowly so papers are not blown around nor activities disrupted in the room. In the summer cooling mode, the blades turn counter-clockwise, pulling air along the ceiling into the fan and directing it straight down into the room to cool occupants. In the winter setting, clockwise rotation draws air up from the floor, displacing layers of warm air trapped at the ceiling out toward the walls, then down into living spaces to provide warmth.

How High Is Too High?

In cooling mode, at least eight inches of clearance between the fan and the ceiling is required to allow optimum airflow into the fan blades. For every two inches of ceiling clearance below this minimum, airflow through the fan decreases by as much as 25 percent. Most ceiling fans come with three-inch downrods that suspend the fan blades eight inches from the ceiling. In a room with a standard eight-foot ceiling, this leaves approximately 7 feet 4 inches of clearance from the floor.

How Low Should You Go?

While the National Electrical Code (NEC) standardizes ceiling fan installation issues such as junction boxes for proper support, the NEC includes no specific language stipulating ceiling fan height. Generally speaking, however, the code recognizes manufacturer’s standards for acceptable installation of products when these are backed by testing, inspection and product evaluation. If an installation conflicts with the preponderance of reputable manufacturer’s recommendations, it may be assumed to be in conflict with the NEC. Installation procedures provided by most ceiling fan manufacturers, as well as the recommendation of the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors, state that fans should be installed so blades are suspended no lower than seven feet from the floor.

Alternative Installations

In rooms with ceilings too low to afford seven feet of clearance when the fan is suspended from a standard 3-inch downrod, “hugger fans” that mount directly to the ceiling, with no downrod, may provide sufficient space. However, because these units have less than the optimum eight-inch clearance from the ceiling, airflow and performance is decreased. As a final option to reduce the danger of contact with blades in rooms with low ceilings, large furniture such as tables may be positioned so that occupants of the room cannot walk directly beneath the blades.

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