Friday, September 30, 2011

Avoiding Typical Mistakes

Sometimes homebuyers take on the project of finding the home they like without knowing exactly what they need or want. This can make for a random and frustrating search that often unnecessarily wastes time. On occasion, some people think they can even outsmart sellers while negotiating the purchase price, while in reality they might be getting a worse deal altogether.

We’ve compiled a short list of the most common mistakes homebuyers tend to make. They are:

Viewing all of the homes that become available, instead of focusing on the ones that are in their price range
Not knowing about all available financing options
Not completely understanding the subtle art of negotiating price
Over or under-estimating the actual value of specific home amenities
Choosing inspectors who may not be fully qualified
Not requesting all of the appropriate inspections to be made
Failing to consider all aspects pertaining to the new home, including the location (and reputation) of schools and other services
Falling prey to exorbitant fees and outrageous rates
Falling for the belief that bigger is better, thereby putting oneself in a precarious situation and buying the largest or most expensive property

Our job is to guide you through the process and help you identify pitfalls and opportunities. We can take the element of surprise out of the equation and put you in a stronger position so you can make an informed decision.

So don’t take chances and run the risk of making a costly mistake. Call or e-mail us anytime and let me help you find the home of your dreams.

Kelly Clarke
The Clarke Team

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