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Kelly has lived in San Carlos for over 20 years and has raised her 6 children here. She is extremely familiar with the area and schools and is involved in the community.
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Solutions for Yard Drainage
by Valerie Liles, Demand Media
Catch basins drain water away from your home and yard.
Managing excess water in your yard before it becomes a problem
will save you time, money and aggravation. Channeling water away from
your home's foundation, patio, driveway, play area or other low-lying
areas will prevent pooling, mosquito infestations and serious erosion.
Drainage is obviously important in high rainfall areas, but it's also
important in areas where you want to retain and direct as much ground
water as possible to support gardens, trees and shrubbery.
Gravel-Filled Trench
A French drain, or gravel-filled trench, is used where runoff
is light. It catches and deflects water from elevated areas such as
hillsides, roofs, patios and around swimming pool and ponds. These
trenches are usually one foot deep by one foot wide, depending on the
volume of water that will potentially go through it. The trench is
filled with gravel and can extend the length of the yard.
Catch Basin
If you find low spots in your yard that are accumulating
water, you may need a catch basin. A hole is dug at the lowest point in
your yard to accommodate a plastic or concrete box and a length of PVC
pipe. These boxes are available in several sizes at most large garden
centers. They are designed to receive water through a grate when they
are placed into a sloping trench with PVC pipe extending from the box
along the trench toward a storm drain or dry well. Alternatively, the
water can be redirected to plant beds.
A dry-well is ideal in areas where it is illegal to tie into
the local drain or storm system. Dry-wells allow accumulated water to
gradually soak or seep into the ground through a 2- to 4-foot wide hole
that is at least 3 feet deep, depending on the volume of water it needs
to hold. The sides of hole are covered with landscape fabric to direct
the water to the base of the hole. Trenches can be dug in problem areas
to accommodate PVC pipe and directed toward the dry-well.
Grading is another possible solution for problematic yard
drainage and entails re-grading or re-shaping the land. The goal is to
move soil from one area to another putting it at the proper height and
slope to ensure adequate drainage. Rough grading removes or adds enough
soil to bring the surface to the correct height and slope, while finish
grading prepares the landscape for planting. In most areas, adequate
surface drainage requires a minimum of 2 1/2 to 3 inches of slope per 10
feet of ground.
Utility companies are always notifying customers in
mid-spring to “Be Careful Where You Dig,” and for good reason. A ditch
witch trencher or sharp shovel can cause a lot of damage to underground
utility lines, at your expense. You also need to make sure excess water
has a legal exit path to a sewer or storm drain. Some building codes
permit these lines, while other do not. If your house isn't connected to
a sewer or drain system, you can direct it towards a septic tank or
drainage field, just not your neighbor's flower garden.
Judy Clarke and Kelly Clarke are co-founders of The Clarke Team at Coldwell Banker. Judy is an escaped CPA while Kelly is an MBA. They specialize in properties located on the Peninsula and have a top referral network for other areas.
They quickly earn the trust and respect of their clients with their professional approach. They strive for constant improvement and offer outstanding communication and client care. Contact them at sold@clarketeam.com, or call Judy at 650-270-8423 or Kelly at 650-315-5371.
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