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Kelly has lived in San Carlos for over 20 years and has raised her 6 children here. She is extremely familiar with the area and schools and is involved in the community.
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
How to Repair Stucco Leaks
How to Repair Stucco Leaks
by Carson Barrett, Demand Media
Many people find the texture of a stucco wall attractive.
Stucco is a durable, attractive finish used for the exterior
walls of homes and other buildings. As with all exterior wall surfaces,
the integrity of stucco must be intact in order to prevent leaks. When
cracks occur in the stucco and water leaks in, it can reach the
sheathing of the house, which can cause rot. You can patch small cracks
and holes in the stucco yourself, but if they're larger than 1/2 inch
wide or are vertical cracks around windows and doors, call in a
professional to examine them, as it can be a sign of problems with your
home's foundation.
Patching Cracks in the Stucco
Clean the crack to remove any loose debris with a flathead screwdriver and a toothbrush.
Squeeze caulk into a paper cup and
stir some clean sand into the caulk to give it a rougher texture. Use
acrylic-latex caulk if the crack is 3/8 inch wide or less, or a
stucco-repair caulk if the crack is 1/2 inch wide or less.
Fill the crack with a putty knife and allow it to cure for the time specified on the packaging.
Apply an exterior-grade latex paint over the patch that blends in with the rest of the wall.
Patching Holes in the Stucco
Clean loose stucco from the hole by chipping away at it with a cold chisel and hammer.
Vacuum the dust out of the hole.
Examine the wire mesh inside the hole; if it's damaged, staple new mesh
over the damaged section.
Mix a small batch of brown stucco
for the base coat, following the manufacturer's instructions. Apply the
stucco to the hole with a trowel. Allow the stucco to firm up, then
scratch the surface with a nail. Allow the stucco to cure for two days.
Use enough stucco to reach a depth about 1/4 inch beneath the surface of
the wall.
Spray the hole and the stucco that
surrounds it to dampen it. Apply another coat of brown stucco to the
hole. Smooth the surface of the stucco, and allow it to cure for two
days. This layer is 1/8 inch deep.
Spray the hole and the surrounding
stucco with water to get it damp. Apply the top coat of stucco over the
hole, smoothing the surface so that it's even with the surrounding
stucco. Texture the surface of the stucco with the trowel to match the
surrounding stucco. Allow the top coat to cure for four days, and paint
the patch with an exterior-grade latex paint, if needed.
Judy Clarke and Kelly Clarke are co-founders of The Clarke Team at Coldwell Banker. Judy is an escaped CPA while Kelly is an MBA. They specialize in properties located on the Peninsula and have a top referral network for other areas.
They quickly earn the trust and respect of their clients with their professional approach. They strive for constant improvement and offer outstanding communication and client care. Contact them at sold@clarketeam.com, or call Judy at 650-270-8423 or Kelly at 650-315-5371.
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