The San Carlos School District proposes, beginning July 1, 2009 for a period of six years ending on June 30, 2015, to impose and additional, new parcel tax of $78 per year per parcel. In 2003, voters approved a parcel tax which will expire in 2011. The tax is approximately $110 per parcel, as adjusted for inflation. From July 1, 2009, the two taxes would result in a $188 yearly rate for two years, until the first voter approved tax measure expires. After that, the rate would drop to $78 per year.
Measure B money would go to our local schools, be controlled locally and could not be taken away by the state. It would be used to support art, music, science and literacy programs.
Schools rankings influence property values, so even if you do not have a child in school, your yes vote will help keep our San Carlos home values strong.